Oshae Brissett expresses gratitude again: ‘The city of Boston, I adore you’

As one Brissett returns to town (Jacoby), another Brissett (Oshae) may be headed elsewhere.

If Oshae Brissett does head elsewhere, though, he’s made it abundantly clear that he’ll miss Boston. Brissett – who noted that the “door’s not closed” on a possible return – posted a vlog on YouTube expressing his love for the city.

“Getting a little sad,” Brissett said. “ … The thought of not coming back is crazy.”

It’s clear Brissett has fully embraced the New England lifestyle. He said that at the time of the video, he was on Newbury Street waiting for Svi Mykhailiuk, so they could drive down to the Cape together.

He may be Canadian, but that sounds like a true Bostonian to me.

Brissett, who saw action in 55 regular-season games and 10 playoff games, said he had to get something off his chest.

“The city of Boston, I adore you. I love you,” Brissett said.

If Brad Stevens and the Celtics exhaust every option and legitimately can’t figure out a way to bring Brissett back, so be it. They’ll still be a juggernaut, a well-oiled machine and the favorite to win it all.

But if they can get creative and find a path for Brissett to return, they should. Brissett’s contributions on the court are important – he’s a versatile glue guy who runs the floor well, defends at a high level and can play multiple positions.

His contributions off the floor may be more important, though. Every team needs someone like Brissett who brings positive vibes, provides maximum energy and comes to work happy every day. This doesn’t just apply to basketball.

Everyone has that one colleague who always has a smile and asks you how your day is going. You may find it annoying at times, but for the most part, you appreciate the chipper disposition. When you’re down, that person helps organically pick you up. It’s not something out of their comfort zone, either. It’s natural, which is why it works.

The Celtics have had talent in previous years. While this team was loaded, it was also so special because the pieces fit together so beautifully. They did the right thing by bringing just about everyone back.

If Brissett wants more playing time, that’s his choice. But if he wants to win another championship – and keep going to the Cape – the Celtics should give him an avenue to do so.

He’s the kind of teammate whose presence is felt, yet whose absence may be felt even more.

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