John Wall: ‘I still have a year, I think, a year or two. I’m still working out every day, doing broadcasting, and getting into that field. I went to the G League Showcase. I still want to be involved in basketball like broadcasting, and try to be a GM one day. Just doing business stuff, networking, and investing in certain things but the most important things I’m enjoying are being a father, being hands-on, being able to be around my kids all day, every day, they getting into all the sports. My oldest son just asked me two weeks ago to play basketball. They kind of brought some tears and joy in my eyes cuz I didn’t want to force him. I mean a lot of parents force their kids, I want them to fall in love with what they want to fall in love with. He loves soccer right now, he’s a soccer star, so he just got into basketball, baseball… My youngest one is the football guy. He playing flag football… I still like staying ready, putting the work in, enjoying the game, and watching it. You never know what happens but I got like I give it like another year like next season see what happens. If it doesn’t happen then I’m cool with giving it up.
Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube