Kevin Garnett on Jimmy Butler situation: From a winning perspective, P is like, “Man, he’s really on some ‘all soldiers be quiet, enjoy yourselves, and stay focused’ mindset.” That’s really what it’s about. We’re going to come back, gear up, and handle business—just like every team trying to build culture. But bro, when you step out of being professional and step away from your responsibility—your oath to hold up your end of the bargain—you open the door for all this [ __ ] right here. This is how non-guaranteed contracts are going to come into our league. We [ __ ] fought our asses off through five or six goddamn lockouts to get to a point where we protect the integrity of the talent. And in return, that talent has a responsibility to be professional, come in here, and do their [ __ ] job. -via YouTube / February 2, 2025
Jimmy Butler informs Warriors he will not sign extension thus ending trade talks for now