Danuel House on bubble incident: There was no girl in my room

Danuel House: I open the door, and I’m like, “What’s up?” He’s like, “I got NBA security with me, and I’m your team security.” So then, he says, “The NBA wants to search your room.” So I’m like, “For what? I’m in the bubble, there’s nothing I can do.” And he’s like, “They said they saw a girl come up into the hotel building, and they want to check your room.” So I’m like, “What? I mean, I just got the massage table, you know what I’m saying?” So I’m thinking nothing of it. I was like, “Well, no, I ain’t going to let them in.” I told him, “Man, I don’t feel comfortable letting him in there.” Even though the weed thing was lifted, I didn’t need him seeing how many boxes I had. I had boxes, you know what I’m saying? So as I’m getting the boxes, I told him, and then he says, “All right. You can’t come in.” So then he says, “I’m going to go up in there and look.” So I’m like, “Look for what?” And he says, “A girl.” So I looked at him and said, “What? A girl?” I knew I was good, and I was like, “Oh no, here we go.” I let him in my room. I let my team security, Brian Savage, in my room. He checks my room, and there’s no girl in there. They leave my room and search the building all day. They found a girl running around throughout the building. They end up catching her.
Source: YouTube

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