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Ivan Kharchenkov

Ivan Kharchenkov

How often has one heard the line from players, ‘if you play defense, then you stay on the court’. That the European game stresses defense has never been a secret, but for American guys back home who weren’t always used to playing defense, it becomes an adjustment going overseas. Defense wins championships is something that should be instilled in everyone’s head, but then again in the NBA, one wouldn’t have those high scoring spectacular games that everyone wants. At least come playoff time, one does see more defense being played. One guy that isn’t American and currently one of the best players on the planet is Luka Doncic who can produce triple doubles as easily as Payton Pritchard launching breathtaking bombs from center court. But one thing that Doncic has been criticized often for is not playing defense. But why. He is a European player and should have that defensive presence of mind copied on his forehead. ‘When your playing 44 minutes a game and scoring 50 points and doing so much on offense, you have to save some energy on the offensive end. For me he isn’t a role model on defense’, stated Ivan Kharchenkov (198-SG-2006). Kharchenkov has already shown in very young years that he is a 3 level scorer and averaged 22,0ppg for FC Bayern Munich’s farm team in the pro B, but defense is something he also has high on his menu to develop further. ‘I remember at the start of the season when I played my first BBL game of the season against Hamburg. They kept saying attack Ivan at all times no matter who he is guarding. That is something that I took as a big motivation to keep working on my defense. I want to become the type of defender where opponents don’t want to attack me, but rather someone else.’, stressed Ivan Kharchenkov. He was in best hands having to play against top defenders like Nick Weiler-Babb and Isaac Bonga on a regular basis. ‘Nick taught me not to give my guy a lane, but play him as good as possible to give the help a chance to defend, while Isaac also helped my game a lot. I’m fascinated with his defensive game, especially his knack for getting offensive rebounds and his concept for team defense. He also defends bigger players really well’, said Ivan Kharchenkov.

I reached Ivan Kharchenkov who lists Maximilain Langenfeld and Noa Essengue as his toughest players he faced in the Pro B last season on the eve before he flew to Los Angeles where he was to train with a trainer from his agency Wasserman who are situated there. He recently celebrated his first pro chip with easyCredit BBL team FC Bayern Munich after they had suffered a 5 year drought of not having won. The BBL organization surely felt the drought as a burden, but not he. ‘I have been in the organization the last 5 years, but honestly didn’t feel it so much, because I wasn’t so much involved with the BBL team until recently’, added Ivan Kharcehnkov. He only played 12 BBL games and only played 2 games in the playoffs against Ludwigsburg and didn’t suit up in the finals. As a competitor was he able to enjoy the title win as much as the more experienced players? ‘I couldn’t enjoy it as much. I was part of the team yes, but the feeling wasn’t that great. I was very happy for my teammates. I knew I wasn’t going to play in the finals as other guys came back into rotation’, commented Ivan Kharchenkov. FC Bayern Munich had a strong 9-2 playoff record and deserved to win the title in 2024, Did FC Bayern Munich save their best for the playoffs? ‘Yes and No. We were a strong team from the start with strong individual players. With a team like this, you should dominate the whole season and not just in the playoffs’, warned Ivan Kharchenkov. It wasn’t only in the BBL where he had a chance for a title, but also in the NBBL (U-19), but lost for the second year in a row. Last season’s loss took time to digest, but this loss was worse for him. ‘It took about a week to digest. This loss was worse, because I was totally fit. I really thought that we had them. It always hurts to lose a big game. Having practice the next day with the BBL team helped me get over it’, expressed Ivan Kharchenkov.

For the scoring guard who lists Wurzburg’s American Darius Perry as his toughest cover in the easyCredit BBL last season was very fortunate to have so many great teammates where he could soak up so much from their games. Which young German player wouldn’t get excited being able to play against ex NBA guys like Carsen Edwards and Serge Ibaka in a game, but imagine the feeling practicing against them on a daily basis and even having private 1-1 talks with them. ‘What I really enjoyed watching from Carsen was just watching his move. His jumper was always exactly the same. No matter if he was open or in trouble, it was always the same. I also liked his positive energy. I was always one of the first to come and go to practice while Serge was even earlier in the gym and left later than me. We shot around a lot and he gave me tips. His most important words were to always keep working, don’t let go and be smart’, added Ivan khartchenkov. The high IQ player made strides in his game again as in the Pro B he averaged 22,6ppg, 5,2rpg, 4,3rpg and 2,0spg. ‘I think it was important that I was consistent. That helped me a lot. I had had injuries the previous 2 seasons and this season showed what I was capable of’, said Ivan Khartchenkov. He scored more than 20 points 12 times including 33 points against Coburg. In the BBL he averaged 3,2ppg in 11 minutes and 2,0ppg in 9,0 minutes time in the Euroleague. ‘I had to play totally different. In the Pro B there was a lot more isolation while in the BBL, it’s team play. If I hadn’t done that, I would of failed’, stated Ivan Khartchenkov. AS usual, he will play for the German youth national team U-18 squad this summer. Important for the German U-18 team will be to be one of the top 5 teams in the Euro championships so they can qualify for the U-19 World Championships. The goal is obvious. ‘Last summer we won the Bronze. We have the same guys and more experience. We want another medal’, warned Ivan Kharchenkov. A strong summer with the youth national team will be vital for him as next season as he is ready to make the next step in the easyCredit BBL. ‘I will show more than last season and hope to get more minutes’, stressed Ivan Kharchenkov. He plays with immense self-confidence and has the killer instinct. That is something that has never changed

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