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The Regular Season in Serie A2 just started. Here is the last round review presented by Job Market.

The most crucial game of the last round was a loss of Nardo at the home court on Sunday night. Hosts were defeated by Pesaro 86-78. American forward VJ King (198-1997, college: Louisville, agency: Octagon Europe) stepped up and scored 20 points and 6 rebounds for the winners and swingman Lorenzo Bucarelli (198-1998) chipped in 14 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists. At the losing side American point guard Avery Woodson (188-1993, college: Butler) responded with 27 points and 4 assists. Pesaro is looking forward to face Vigevano at home in the next round which should be an easy win for them. Nardo will play against Udine and is hoping to win this game.
Very significant was Avellino’s 77-72 road victory against Brindisi. Americans were the main players on the court. Jaren Lewis (201-1996, college: ACU) nailed a double-double by scoring 14 points and 13 rebounds for the winning side and Marcellus Earlington accounted for 21 points. Avellino’s coach Alessandro Crotti allowed to play the deep bench players in such tough game. Guard Bryon Allen (192-1992, college: GMU) came up with 22 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists for Brindisi in the defeat. Avellino will play against Rieti at home in the next round and are hoping to win another game. Brindisi will play against Cantu and it may be a tough game between close rivals.
A very close game took place in Orzinuovi between Orzinuovi and Cantu. Orzinuovi got a very close home victory over Cantu. Orzinuovi managed to escape with a 1-point win 77-76 on Sunday evening. Gabe DeVoe fired 31 points for the winners. Grant Basile produced a double-double by scoring 13 points and 14 rebounds for lost side. Both coaches used bench players in such tough game. Orzinuovi will meet Fortitudo in the next round which should be an easy win for them. Cantu will play against Brindisi and it may be a tough game between close rivals.

There were no shocking results in the rest of the games of round 1: winless Piacenza lost to undefeated Rieti on the opponent’s court 72-80. Rimini managed to outperform Udine in a home game 85-71. Verona managed to beat Torino on the road 96-88. Cento defeated Livorno Libertas on its own court 83-72. Juvi Cremona beat Vigevano in a road game 79-73. Cividale won against Forli at home 77-69. Winless Fortitudo lost to undefeated Milano Urania on the opponent’s court 78-94.
The most impressive stats of the last round was 20 points, 7 rebounds and 9 assists by Andrea Amato of Milano Urania.

Nardo – Pesaro 78-86

The most crucial game of the last round was a loss of Nardo at the home court on Sunday night. Hosts were defeated by Pesaro 86-78. American forward VJ King (198-1997, college: Louisville, agency: Octagon Europe) stepped up and scored 20 points and 6 rebounds for the winners and swingman Lorenzo Bucarelli (198-1998) chipped in 14 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists. Five Pesaro players scored in double figures. At the losing side American point guard Avery Woodson (188-1993, college: Butler) responded with 27 points and 4 assists and the former international power forward Antonio Iannuzzi (208-1991) scored 13 points and 9 rebounds. Pesaro is looking forward to face Vigevano at home in the next round which should be an easy win for them. Nardo will play against Udine and is hoping to win this game.
Top scorers:
Pesaro: V.King 20+6reb+2ast, K.Ahmad 14+3reb+5ast, L.Bucarelli 14+5reb+5ast, S.Zanotti 12+9reb+1ast, O.Maretto 11+2reb+2ast, Q.De Laurentiis 9+2reb
Nardo: A.Woodson 27+2reb+4ast, M.Ebeling 14+6reb, A.Iannuzzi 13+9reb, W.Stewart Jr 8+4reb, A.Mouaha 7+5reb+2ast, L.Nikolic 3+1reb

gschID: 1184363

Orzinuovi – Cantu 77-76

A very close game took place in Orzinuovi between Orzinuovi and Cantu. Orzinuovi got a very close home victory over Cantu. Orzinuovi managed to escape with a 1-point win 77-76 on Sunday evening. American guard Gabe DeVoe (191-1995, college: Clemson) fired 31 points for the winners. His fellow American import power forward Jarvis Williams (203-1993, college: Murray St.) chipped in 6 points and 11 rebounds. Four Orzinuovi players scored in double figures. The former international forward Grant Basile (206-2000, college: Virginia Tech) produced a double-double by scoring 13 points and 14 rebounds and the former international point guard Andrea De Nicolao (185-1991) added 14 points and 8 assists respectively for lost side. Both coaches used bench players in such tough game. Orzinuovi will meet Fortitudo in the next round which should be an easy win for them. Cantu will play against Brindisi and it may be a tough game between close rivals.
Top scorers:
Orzinuovi: G.DeVoe 31+3reb+1ast, S.Pepe 13+1reb+1ast, T.Guariglia 11+6reb, S.Moretti 10+5reb, J.Williams 6+11reb+2ast, A.Bertini 4+2reb
Cantu: A.De Nicolao 14+8ast, G.Basile 13+14reb, M.Piccoli 11+5reb+1ast, F.Valentini 9+3reb+1ast, J.Riismaa 7+1reb+1ast, T.McGee 6+2ast

gschID: 1184364

Rieti – Piacenza 80-72

Rieti used a home court advantage and beat the opponent from Piacenza 80-72 on Saturday night. American point guard Jazz Johnson (178-1996, college: Nevada) fired 19 points and 6 rebounds for the winners. The former international point guard Marco Spanghero (185-1991) chipped in 11 points. Four Rieti players scored in double figures. American forward Nate Grimes (202-1996, college: Fresno St., agency: SLN) produced 6 points and 20 rebounds and Michele Serpilli (201-1999) added 20 points and 6 rebounds respectively for lost side. Rieti will meet Avellino on the road in the next round and it will be for sure the game of the week. Piacenza will play against Rimini and it may be a tough game between close rivals.
Top scorers:
Rieti: J.Johnson 19+6reb+3ast, D.Monaldi 12+3ast, M.Spanghero 11+3reb+3ast, I.Lupusor 10+5reb, M.Pollone 9+1reb+5ast, G.Piunti 8+4reb
Piacenza: D.Bradford 22+1reb+4ast, M.Serpilli 20+6reb+1ast, S.Bartoli 10+4reb+2ast, L.Querci 7+1ast, N.Grimes 6+20reb+2ast, N.Filoni 5+5reb+4ast

gschID: 1184365

Rimini – Udine 85-71

Rimini used a home court advantage and defeated the opponent from Udine 85-71 on Sunday night. The former international swingman Pierpaolo Marini (193-1993, agency: Players Group) fired 22 points for the winners. American guard Gerald Robinson (185-1989, college: Georgia, agency: Slash Sports) chipped in 15 points and 6 assists. American Xavier Johnson (201-1993, college: Colorado) produced a double-double by scoring 12 points and 11 rebounds and the other American import point guard Anthony Hickey (180-1992, college: OK State, agency: Octagon Europe) added 13 points and 5 rebounds respectively for lost side. Both coaches tested many bench players which allowed the starters a little rest for the next games. Rimini will meet Piacenza on the road in the next round which should be an easy win for them. Udine will play against Nardo and hope to win that game.
Top scorers:
Rimini: P.Marini 22+3reb+2ast, G.Robinson 15+4reb+6ast, G.Tomassini 12+2reb+2ast, G.Camara 10+4reb, A.Grande 7+3reb+2ast, J.Johnson 6+8reb+3ast
Udine: A.Hickey 13+5reb+2ast, X.Johnson 12+11reb, L.Caroti 11+3reb+1ast, F.Stefanelli 8+1reb+2ast, L.Ambrosin 7+2reb+2ast, G.Pini 6

gschID: 1184366

Brindisi – Avellino 72-77

Very significant was Avellino’s 77-72 road victory against Brindisi. Avellino made 19-of-22 charity shots (86.4 percent) during the game. Americans were the main players on the court. Jaren Lewis (201-1996, college: ACU) nailed a double-double by scoring 14 points and 13 rebounds for the winning side and guard Marcellus Earlington (198-2000, college: San Diego) accounted for 21 points. Four Avellino players scored in double figures. Avellino’s coach Alessandro Crotti allowed to play the deep bench players in such tough game. Guard Bryon Allen (192-1992, college: GMU) came up with 22 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists and forward Mark Ogden (206-1994, college: Utah Tech) added 21 points and 7 rebounds respectively for Brindisi in the defeat. Avellino will play against Rieti at home in the next round and are hoping to win another game. Brindisi will play against Cantu and it may be a tough game between close rivals.
Top scorers:
Avellino: M.Earlington 21+4reb, J.Lewis 14+13reb+3ast, M.Jurkatamm 10+4reb+1ast, F.Mussini 10+1reb+3ast, A.Sabatino 9, R.Chinellato 7+3reb
Brindisi: B.Allen 22+5reb+4ast, M.Ogden 21+7reb, G.Arletti 9+3reb, G.Vildera 8+6reb+1ast, T.Laquintana 7+6reb+6ast, T.Fantoma 5+1reb

gschID: 1184367

Torino – Verona 88-96

But Torino was not able to use a home court advantage and was defeated by the opponent from Verona 96-88 on Sunday night. Verona shot the lights out from three sinking 16 long-distance shots on high 55.2 percentage. Point guard Lorenzo Penna (180-1998) fired 16 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists for the winners. Georgian-American point guard Jacob Pullen (183-1989, college: Kansas St., agency: AltusBasket) chipped in 19 points. Four Verona players scored in double figures. Nigerian-American forward Ife Josh Ajayi (201-1996, college: USA, agency: Players Group) produced 33 points (!!!) (on 9-of-11 shooting from the field) and American swingman Kevion Taylor (196-1999, college: Valpo) added 18 points and 5 rebounds respectively for lost side. Torino’s coach Matteo Boniciolli rotated ten players in this game, but that didn’t help. Verona will meet at home Milano Urania in the next round. Torino will play against Livorno Libertas and hope to win that game.
Top scorers:
Verona: J.Pullen 19+2reb+2ast, E.Esposito 17+4reb+2ast, L.Penna 16+6reb+4ast, L.Udom 12+2reb+3ast, J.Cannon 10+5reb+1ast, M.Palumbo 9+4reb+3ast
Torino: I.Josh Ajayi 33+3reb, K.Taylor 18+5reb+1ast, G.Severini 11+4reb+1ast, M.Montano 8+1reb+2ast, M.Schina 7+7ast, F.Seck 6+3reb+2ast

gschID: 1184368

Cento – Livorno Libertas 83-72

Cento used a home court advantage and beat the opponent from Livorno 83-72 on Sunday night. American forward Stacy Davis (198-1994, college: Pepperdine) fired 12 points, 8 rebounds and 4 assists for the winners. Naturalized Argentinian Carlos Delfino (198-1982) chipped in 18 points and 5 rebounds. American-Israeli Adrian Banks (191-1986, college: Arkansas St.) produced 20 points and the former international point guard Ariel Filloy (190-1987, agency: Interperformances) added 14 points and 6 rebounds respectively for lost side. Both teams had four players each who scored in double figures. Both coaches tested many bench players which allowed the starters a little rest for the next games. Cento will meet Forli on the road in the next round which should be an easy win for them. Livorno Libertas will play against Torino and hope to win that game.
Top scorers:
Cento: C.Delfino 18+5reb, N.Alessandrini 16+3reb, S.Davis 12+8reb+4ast, L.Benvenuti 10+6reb, N.Berdini 9+2reb+3ast, T.Henderson Jr. 9+7reb+3ast
Livorno Libertas: A.Banks 20+2reb+2ast, A.Filloy 14+6reb+2ast, Q.Hooker 10+6reb+2ast, T.Fantoni 10+6reb, N.Italiano 5+4reb+1ast, F.Fratto 5

gschID: 1184369

Vigevano – Juvi Cremona 73-79

But Vigevano was not able to use a home court advantage and was defeated by the opponent from Cremona 79-73 on Sunday night. American guard Isiah Brown (188-1997, college: Weber St., agency: Worldwide SM) fired 19 points and 5 rebounds for the winners. American-Dominican point guard Eddy Polanco (193-1994, college: SE Louisiana, agency: Octagon Europe) chipped in 16 points. Four Juvi Cremona players scored in double figures. Guard Gabriele Stefanini (191-1999, college: USF, agency: BIG) produced 20 points, 6 rebounds, 5 assists and 4 steals and Canadian forward Prince Oduro (203-1998, college: Detroit) added 17 points and 7 rebounds respectively for lost side. Both coaches tested many bench players which allowed the starters a little rest for the next games. Juvi Cremona will meet at home Cividale in the next round, which may be the game of the day. Vigevano will play against Pesaro and hope to win that game.
Top scorers:
Juvi Cremona: I.Brown 19+5reb+2ast, E.Polanco 16+4reb+1ast, Y.Giombini 10+7reb, G.Bertetti 10+2reb+4ast, F.Massone 9+3reb+3ast, S.Barbante 8+2reb+1ast
Vigevano: G.Stefanini 20+6reb+5ast, P.Oduro 17+7reb+1ast, C.Taflaj 13+3reb, M.Peroni 8+2reb+1ast, F.Rossi 4+5reb+7ast, M.Mack 3+1reb+4ast

gschID: 1184370

Cividale – Forli 77-69

Cividale used a home court advantage and won against the opponent from Forli 77-69 on Sunday night. Naturalized Argentinian point guard Lucio Redivo (183-1994) fired 22 points for the winners. American guard Derrick Marks (191-1993, college: Boise St., agency: Players Group) chipped in 13 points and 4 assists. Point guard Matteo Parravicini (187-2001) produced 21 points and Israeli Shawn Dawson (198-1993) added 10 points, 7 rebounds and 5 assists respectively for lost side. Forli’s coach Antimo Martino rotated ten players in this game, but that didn’t help. Cividale will meet Juvi Cremona on the road in the next round. Forli will play against Cento and hope to win that game.
Top scorers:
Cividale: L.Redivo 22+3reb+2ast, M.Mastellari 13+4reb, D.Marks 13+1reb+4ast, G.Dell’Agnello 7+7reb+1ast, F.Ferrari 6+6reb, L.Marangon 5+4reb+1ast
Forli: M.Parravicini 21+3reb+3ast, D.Harper 11+3reb+2ast, S.Dawson 10+7reb+5ast, R.Gaspardo 7+3reb, A.Del Chiaro 6+6reb, L.Pollone 5

gschID: 1184371

Milano Urania – Fortitudo BO 94-78

Milano Urania used a home court advantage and beat the opponent from Bologna 94-78 on Sunday night. Milano Urania looked well-organized offensively handing out 27 assists. The former international point guard Andrea Amato (190-1994) fired 20 points, 7 rebounds and 9 assists for the winners. The former international swingman Alessandro Gentile (201-1992, agency: SLN) chipped in 16 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists. Milano Urania’s coach Marco Cardani used an eleven-player rotation which allowed the starters a little rest for the next games. American forward Deshawn Freeman (201-1994, college: Rutgers, agency: One Motive Sports) produced a double-double by scoring 21 points and 10 rebounds and the former international guard Matteo Fantinelli (195-1993) added 10 points, 6 rebounds and 10 assists respectively for lost side. Four Fortitudo players scored in double figures. Milano Urania will meet Verona on the road in the next round and are hoping to win another game. Fortitudo will play against Orzinuovi and hope to win that game.
Top scorers:
Milano Urania: A.Amato 20+7reb+9ast, A.Gentile 16+5reb+4ast, N.Potts 12+2reb+2ast, G.Leggio 11+1reb, M.Cavallero 10+2reb, L.Cesana 8+3reb+3ast
Fortitudo BO: D.Freeman 21+10reb, R.Bolpin 14+3reb+2ast, L.Battistini 13+5reb, K.Gabriel 11+3reb+5ast, M.Fantinelli 10+6reb+10ast, G.Sabatini 9+4reb+8ast

gschID: 1184372

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